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 memccpy()               Copy Characters from Buffer

 #include   <mem.h>                      Required for declarations only
 #include   <string.h>                   Use either string.h or memory.h

 void       *memccpy(dest,source,ch,cnt);
 void       *dest;                       Pointer to destination
 const void *source;                     Pointer to source
 int        ch;                          Last character to copy
 size_t     cnt;                         Maximum number of characters to copy

    memccpy() copies characters from 'source' to 'dest', up to and
    including the first occurrence of 'ch', or until a maximum of 'cnt'
    bytes have been copied, whichever occurs first.

       Returns:     If 'ch' has been found and copied, a pointer to the
                    byte after 'ch' in 'dest' is returned.  NULL  is
                    returned if 'ch' was not copied.

         Notes:     Use memcpy() to copy 'cnt' bytes from one buffer to
                    another without checking for a character.

                    Buffers are arrays of characters and usually are not
                    terminated with a null character ('\0').  The
                    buffer-manipulation routines always have a length or
                    count argument.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements copy characters from 'from_buffer' into
    'to_buffer' until the "@" character is copied or 128 bytes are
    copied, whichever happens first.

           #include <mem.h>

           char to_buffer[128];
           char from_buffer[128];
           char *bufptr;

               bufptr = memccpy(to_buffer, from_buffer, '@', 128);

See Also: memchr() memcmp() memcpy() memset()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson